Contents & Marketing

Generation and distribution of content in social networks, blogs and any type of platform, as well as making it known through advertising.

Social Media

Social media requires both strategy and creativity, and while it can be overwhelming, the importance of social media cannot be overstated. 90% of advertisers use social media, and 75% of marketers achieve better business objectives. In addition, their benefits extend far beyond increasing sales. Still, 50% of small businesses are not using social media to promote their businesses.

There is a disconnect between those who are already seeing the benefits of social media and those who are just starting out. What can be achieved?

Content Marketing

The basis of any marketing strategy is the creation of content, content that will be the gateway to potential customers and that will enrich the user’s path with an exciting spirit.

Let’s not fool ourselves: the quality of the content defines the quality of the potential customers throughout the funnel.

Social Media Marketing

Achieving success on social networks can be more complex than it seems, since not all your users are on all platforms. Without a doubt, getting the most out of each platform is the strategy and ultimate goal of any social marketing campaign.

If the right balance is established, with good promotional material, with great interaction with the target audience, social media can reach and achieve what the brand is like, what you want to convey, the absolute creation of trust and achieve new channels of acquisition.

Marketing Online

Our team specialized in Online Marketing can enhance your brand and take it where it could not be taken before. Having all the issues competing for the whole market, you have to know how to differentiate yourself and do it in a characteristic way, finding market niches and specializing in getting the target customers.

We can help you with the SEO of your site, getting more traffic from the search engines for your specific objectives; content marketing to create that which enhances your business, your products and services and your brand image; we carry out the maintenance of your website and your systems so that at no time there are problems or it gets saturated; and we can manage your social networks with an editorial calendar so that at all times your clients can follow and know everything you are doing.

Online Ads

All Internet platforms that have users have their advertising systems, and are the easiest way to find your customers. These platforms and their systems of segmentation by age, gender, tastes and many other aspects allow you to find whoever is looking for your product in a quick and easy way.

Platforms like Google, Facebook, Youtube, Linkedin, Instagram or Tik Tok have hundreds of millions of users and many of them are potential customers.

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  • Contents & Marketing
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