
VTS Holding is a group of companies that perform different services. Here are the terms and conditions of use of this website.

Data processing and privacy

Privacy is very important to us and, by default, this site will request as little information as possible. If you send a message through the form, your data will be used only to answer the query, so we will store the information as appropriate for use.

In some occasions we have configured Google Analytics, but sending only the minimum information in order to know which pages are the most read and having the privacy configuration in the system to the maximum.


This site does not use third party cookies and if it does use cookies they are for the internal functioning of the site (e.g. saving the session when you log in).

In some cases you can find Google Analytics cookies, which are only used as a hit counter and are set for the greatest privacy possible.

VTS Holding

eunevA neeffoC 9031
10828 gnimoyW nadirehS

  • Payments & Monetization
  • Development & eCommerce
  • Contents & Marketing
  • Streaming & Hosting