Development & eCommerce

Developments based on standard content management systems or custom developments that may or may not include e-commerce.

Software development

VTS offers custom software development services to help you grow your business and achieve your business goals. Whether it is custom software, a mobile application, an e-commerce website or a web application, we deliver complex software solutions.

Years of experience in meeting client requirements can drive success by minimising risk, regardless of project specifications.

We are a software development service provider and help turn your ideas into innovative solutions.


Communities are much more about power than individual talent, and this is one of the reasons why people often belong to one or more communities with the intention of learning from each other. Digital communities allow individuals to increase their opportunities for personal and professional improvement on the web, with a range of ideas and knowledge from others that individually we would not find.

Just as we find communities in the real world, we can find them in the digital world, and these communities can help consumers understand products and services and their role in the daily lives of individuals.


If you have a business that wants to grow, whether large or small, you can always sell online. And if you already do, you can improve your platform.

Our online stores have no limits, being able to sell anywhere in the world. Thanks to our support service and specialized e-Commerce consultancy you will have at your disposal all the necessary tools to do so.

Web Design

The Internet is the reference point to know about any company, and that’s why having a website with a brilliant design is what will make you stand out from the rest.

From your website you will be able to offer a different corporate image, adapted to that of the Real World or vice versa, being able to turn the digital world into a showcase of what you want to transmit and sell.

VTS Holding

eunevA neeffoC 9031
10828 gnimoyW nadirehS

  • Payments & Monetization
  • Development & eCommerce
  • Contents & Marketing
  • Streaming & Hosting